Clear Pitch

Clarifying Your Message is the #1 Way to Improve Your Closure Rate!

Clarify Your Message

Differentiate Yourself

Close Deals

a busy boardwalk

If you confuse, you lose

Prospects are looking for two things; solutions to problems and opportunities. Your ability to communicate what problem you solve or what opportunity you provide is the key to your success or failure. People will not burn brain cells trying to understand why they should invest with you. There are other options. People will migrate to the solution that is easiest to understand.

ClearPitch will help you

  • Avoid competing on price
  • Avoid “me too” proposals
  • Avoid losing deals to competition


Clarifying your message is the #1 way to attract more sponsors and improve your closure rate. Clear Pitch helps you apply the StoryBrand framework to do just that.

a cheering crowd


Identify and spell out the problem you solve or the opportunity you create for sponsors. This message is not focused on your history and it is different than your value proposition to fans.

a cheering woman sitting in a shopping cart being pushed by a man


What brands are best suited to work with you? Not every brand is a fit. Narrowing your focus enables you to better communicate your value proposition, build case studies and operate within your strengths.

A concert


Be the guide. Connect the dots and ensure that this is not going to feel like work to your prospect.When you stop talking about their problem, they stop listening.

Selling Sponsorships is Hard

Anyone who says selling sponsorships is easy has never tried selling them.

We work with brands to create sponsorships and experiences that are targeted, effective and fun. Our CEO has spent 20 years in sports marketing and has evaluated hundreds of pitches on behalf of our clients. We know what brands are looking for when evaluating sponsorships and events. We can help you articulate your value proposition and stand out versus your competition.

HOW Clear Pitch WORKS

Opportunity Assessment Call

One-hour call where we set expectations and gain a preliminary understanding of your challenges.

Clear Pitch Workshop

One-Day in person workshop with team members responsible for selling sponsorships.

Clear Pitch Marketing Plan

  • Marketing One-Liner specifically for sponsorship sales
  • Website Wireframe for the sponsorship section on your website
  • Lead Generator Concept
  • Sales Funnel Emails: Five (5) automated emails to send to prospects


$5,000 + Travel (Airfare, hotel, per diem)

Who are We at The Market Share Group

You know how every marketer wants their brand to be a big deal? We use sponsorships and events to put your brand front and center with your audience. Sponsorships can be complex and put a strain on a brand’s financial and human resources, but when done well they are a great way for brands to connect with customers, create brand enthusiasm and drive revenue.

At the Market Share Group, we remove the headaches associated with major omnichannel marketing initiatives and create sponsorships and experiences that are targeted, effective and fun!

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Let’s Get started

Sponsorships That Work